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Avoid OSHA fines by implementing a Comprehensive Safety Program throughout your organization. Safety training programs keep your employees safe and result in fewer accidents and injuries. Companies with such programs are seldom cited.


If your company has received an OSHA safety violation there are numerous things to know. Employers have 3 ways to respond to OSHA. Which option is best?


The information provided here will help you manage current safety citations and may prevent future notices altogether.


If your business has been cited by OSHA, don't delay – you have 15 working days to respond!

We strongly suggest "proper representation" to resolve OSHA safety notices. The experts at D & D Safety specialize in managing Federal OSHA Inspection safety citations, penalties, and abatement processes. 

Working with D & D will result in a safer working environment void of safety issues. Most notably, when you work with our company we can negotiate lesser penalties. Unfortunately individual companies don't have that leverage. 

To Resolve an OSHA Violation:


D & D Safety can reduce an OSHA safety penalty on your behalf. Employers that contract with us receive higher discounts than they can get on their own. The results are astounding! 


When you receive a citation and notification of penalty from OSHA, you must post a citation copy at or near the place where each violation occurred. This assures that employees are aware of the hazards to which they may be exposed. The citation must remain posted for three working days or until the violation is corrected, whichever is longer.

Abatement documents such as plans and progress reports must also be posted.

Now is the best time to contact D & D Safety:


Employers receiving safety notices typically respond in one of three ways: either they agree, disagree, or do nothing!

Agree Option 

If your company agrees with all of the citation conditions then pay the penalty and correct the safety condition by the date set. While this appears to be the easiest route, undoubtedly it's the most costly option and sets your company up for future violations.



Penalties paid at 100%.

High risk of future violations. 


Disagree Option 

(Your Best Option!)

If your business disagrees with any part of the citation and accompanying penalty, you must follow a written contest process. For higher discounts and to avoid future penalties, we strongly recommend that a safety consulting company like D & D Safety help you navigate this process.


Your business has 15 working days from the inspection date to specify which portion you disagree with, and why. Similar to a legal action, verbal correspondence won't work.



The citation becomes a final order if contest protocols aren't met.

High risk of future violations.

Properly managed, penalty fees can be drastically reduced – future violations avoided!

Do Nothing Option

Sometimes when businesses disagree, they do nothing. Most often this is due to companies not knowing what to do, and thinking that repercussions won't occur. By completely ignoring the safety notice, employers carry the most liability.


The citation becomes a matter of record.

Unresolved safety issues become "willful and repeat" status – $136,000 fine per violation. 


What do I do if my company has been fined by OSHA? 

If your company agrees with all of the citation conditions then pay the penalty and correct the safety condition by the date set. While this appears to be the easiest route, undoubtedly it's the most costly option with penalties paid at 100%. 


Do I have to pay the full penalty?

If your business disagrees with any part of the citation and accompanying penalty, you must follow a written contest process. Your business has 15 working days from the inspection date to specify which portion you disagree with, and why. Similar to a legal challenge, verbal correspondence won't work. The citation becomes a final order if these protocols aren't met.

What happens if I ignore an OSHA citation?

It is inadvisable to ignore a safety violation of any kind, especially if OSHA has served your company with a notice. The safety issue is now a matter of record. When citations are ignored OSHA escalates the status to "willful and repeat" which carries a $136,000 fine per violation!

What's the benefit of hiring a safety consultant company like D & D Safety?

When you hire a safety consulting company, you're investing in the vast knowledge base and procedures built on years of experience. OSHA recognizes the value – that's why D & D is able to obtain greater penalty discounts than an employer can get on their own.


"First Incident" OSHA fines are $13,600 per violation.
"Willful or Repeat" OSHA fines are $136,000 per violation.

Avoid OSHA Fines, especially "Willful or Repeat" status – D & D Safety can help!


OSHA values safety consulting and training companies. They understand that when D & D Safety is involved an employer will have their safety program 100% covered. In addition to this benefit comes the ability to negotiate penalty discounts on an employer's behalf. The Proven Results chart below show actual savings from our customers.

Penalty Discounts
3 Options


(Actual savings from D & D Safety customers)

Customer Testimonials
Switching Roofs

"Our company was recently hit with some heavy OSHA fines. D & D Safety was able to get our fines reduced by 55%! We have been extremely happy with D & D Safety's services, and have since used them to provide safety training and implement safety programs for our company."

—  Dan, Roofing Company

© 2025   D & D Safety LLC    All rights reserved.

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D & D Safety

Cleveland, Ohio 44023


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